Website Guide
A hitchhikers guide to the Wellington Synchro website.
Welcome to this guide for Friendly Manager (FM), and our website.
Please take the time to read it, it may help you and your swimmer get the most out of FM and our website. Our club uses FM as one of our primary communication tools. The other communication app we use is WhatsApp.
Please remember that our club is very small, we are run by volunteers, who take time out of their busy lives and full time work to make these things happen, so that everyone benefits. If you would like to be involved with our committee or help in any way - please let one of the committee / or coaches know.
All personal profiles on FM can only be seen by some of the committee and coaches - this is to help them do their jobs - such as parent liaison, invoicing, marking the register (health and safety requirements), and sending out club emails. The individuals personal profile can only be seen by that individual. So Suzie Synchro, can’t look at Betty Barracuda’s personal information.
All key volunteers: committee, judges, parents / adults who travel with the club as parent help, travel managers, and coaches are all police vetted.
We anticipate that personal information will be kept private by those who view it.
To register your child for synchro (or alter the existing registration details) you will have been directed to our website.
All swimmers should be registered before starting swimming with us; even if it is just for one session. An adults phone number should be available for the coaches to contact in case of emergency.
You can attend to registering your child from your smart-phone via our website. You can view our website from your smart phone
Enter Wellington Synchro into your web browser on your smart phone or computer, and follow the prompts - which will involve registering with us. The process shouldn’t take more than five minutes to do. If you are having difficulty please as one of the coaches, parent liaison, or treasurer for assistance.