Once your athlete / swimmer has attended our Have-a-Go session and decide they love synchro new swimmers typically start by doing 2.5 hours per week on Sundays; this group is called Mermaids (same training time as the Have-a-Go group). The Mermaids are oriented to artisitc swimming / synchro, learn what it is like to be a part of a team, learn basic positions, increase their swim fitness, and achieve a couple of synchro star level awards, Mermaids also learn a basic routine to be presented to the family and friends who attend our end of year Gala performance (midway through term four).
We are a competative club - our main focus is on training for the two competions held in New Zealand each year (Regional - North Islands, or Nationals), some of our athletes are in national representative squads and attend international competitions as well. for competition information look here: Artistic Swimming New Zealand Competition Rules
As the swimmers / athletes progress, we encourage them to join our competative teams.
The first level competative team is Dolphins. Dolpins train three times a week. Dolphins swim in a combination team and figures event only. Dolphins are star three to compete.
The next level is Aquanaut - Athletes are star 4 and have committed to attend three training sessions, and have the capacity to learn complex figures and routines. Aquanauts will traditionally swim in a combination team event and a figures event. Aquanauts generally stay at this level for several years improving and strengthening their team routines, acrobatics and figures.
Aquarina category - is star five and above, open to any age group, and will either be apart of an Aqua Combo team event or a duet or solo. They train three times a week
Age Groups - In New Zealand there are two streams of competition - Aquas and Age Groups - Age Groups it is anticpated they will train more frequently and have a more competative edge to their training. The athlete generally has their eye on a place in a national representative squad.
All athletes, in any category, are age registered. Age of the athlete is calculated by the age the athlete is on the 31st December. So if Suzie Starfish was born on the 31 December 2013 she will be competing with athletes born on the 1 January 2013 (this is in line with most sports)
Age Group categories are:
10yrs and under
12yrs and under
Youth (13-15)
Junior (16-19)
Senior (19- and above)
Masters (21 and above)
Once an athlete has progressed from Mermaids to Dolphins - the first competative team - training times are extended and additional training sessions are added accordingly.
Our competitive swimmers train 9.5 hours a week, and our NZ representative atletes have additional training; in the pool, and independently undertake gym fit strength training and swim fit training, at times they may also undertake gymnastics, tumbling, or dive training. They also have artistic swimming camps over the school holidays in various centers around New Zealand where they swim with their team mates to focus on choreography, techniques and building a team invironment
Currently (Feb 2024) our club trains:
Mondays (Seniors 5-5:30pm stretch -7pm)
Tuesday (Dolphin - novice and intermediate level - Aqua 4:30-5:30pm water, 5:30-6pm stretch 6-6:30pm water),
Thursdays (whole club 5-5:30pm stretch 5:30-7pm water)
Sundays (whole club 12:30-1pm stretch 1pm-4pm water (with a staggered snack break).
These club sessions are held at Wellington Regional Aquatic Centre (WRAC).
When there is a pool exclusion - when an event is being held at WRAC and we are not able to access our usual pool booking - we have an alternative training venue booked in advance and this is advertised on our events (training session) of Friendly Manager.
Synchro is an all-year-round sport, and we generally take a break during school holidays. However, we sometimes offer holiday training programmes or additional training sessions for swimmers to attend when competitions are approaching.

Wellington Synchro Open Combo - NZ Nationals 2020, Hamilton