Parent / Athlete information for competitions

What to bring to competition - and other vital bits of information

Sport encourages self reliance and emerging independence in the younger athlete and a maxim of: perfect preparation prevents poor performance 

(so get your athlete to prepare their bag and check it with them - making a packing list card can ensure that what gets packed to travel and checked off will come home again)


Going to big competitions is fun and busy.  Lots to see and do. 


What your athlete will be wearing on the plane


Trainers, sandshoes, sneakers, sports shoes - whatever the preferred word is in your house for a sports shoe - preferably black or white - if you have neither - you don't have to rush out and buy a specific colour - just use what sports shoe you have

Black leggings - full length or ¾ as in sports wear / athletic wear (not jeans, trousers, jeggings, or sweatshirting fabric sweatpants)

Black club sports t-shirt

Black club sweatshirt hoody

And a warm jacket (we are a long way from home if the weather isn't too good ) - If they have a pool coat they can take this on the plane too


In your carry on - which is your swim bag:


training togs (club togs - if you have them or the club togs your athlete will be provided / lent), 


nose clips

Club swim cap 

2 towels (micro fibre towels  - if you don't want to carry wet towels about)

Drink bottle

Personal hygiene products (tampons)

A packed lunch, as you would take to school (there is no facility at the pool to heat any food you may bring with you)

Healthy snacks as you would bring to school 

A book to read / soft toy if they need a comforter / portable game (cubes / puzzle)


For athletes flying home on late on the last day of competition: cash or eft-pos card to buy dinner / snack at airport or nearby eatery


Electronic devices


All electronic devices - such as laptops and ipads are not able to be minded by the team managers - and we can’t be responsible for them as a club; so it is preferred that the athletes do not bring these.  They may have to hand in their phones to the Team Managers at certain times during the day - so that they are able to concentrate on the competition and be present in the moment and be able to actively listen and understand what is going on and what is required of them.  We understand that young people use their phones as “life lines” - they will have opportunities to have their phones - but not 100% all the time - please discuss this with them - we don't have much pool time and discussing why they can't message person x at a time they are supposed to be in the water - this may come as a surprise - if they haven't been prepared in advance - thank you


Team managers and coaches can be contacted via the club WhatsApp group


What to pack


Your suitcase / checked in luggage bag should be a size that your athlete can manage independently (unless your athlete is very small).  The suitcase will be packed by your athlete and managed on and off the taxi van - please use a considerate size suitcase / back pack / dufflebag


Everything should be labeled - if not labeled - and lost; your athlete will need to be able to identify it and / or find lost item. (so if you think they are droppers, leavers and forgetters - pack items that are not of high value or special to the athlete; so if any losses - it is not a major crisis that challenges the smooth running of the timetable


In the case pack:


Several large size zip lock bags or dry bags to take wet togs, wet clothes, and towels home in

Underwear for five days (accidents and periods can complicate matters)


Black jandals (to wear at the pool) - crocs if you have them (but again you don't have to go and buy them)

Black athletic stretch shorts  / they will wear these most days as the pool environment is hot (not hiking or denim shorts please - these shorts are used to stretch in as well as to wear)

Black club sports T

Black Club sweatshirt / hoodie 

Nightwear - PJ’s or nightgown - whichever is their preferred sleepwear

Toilet bag as you would pack on any overnight / holiday - toothbrush, tooth paste, tampons, shampoo, conditioner, skin cream, and importantly deodorant - they will be several days in the club sports t 


2 towels so one can be drying and the other in use  - keeping the towels in rotation

Yoga mat

Plain black figure togs - no product markings across the chest, and small discreet markings on bottom or hip - remember the judges sit above the pool level - higher neckline is preferable if you are looking to buy a new swimsuit ( the club has several figure swim suits)

White swim cap (the club sells these)

Spare nose clips (the club sells these) - Encourage your athlete to attach a small zip coin purse split-ring’ed onto the side of their pool bag to keep their nose clips in

Plain black goggles (I have some spares for competitions)

One change of “relax at the hotel” clothes.


Snacks that your athlete may want to have at the pool in addition to the lunches that are provided - training uses up a lot of calories and being hungry and tired can make for grumpy athletes - the food provided by the accommodation should be enough to sustain your athlete through the day - if you think they will need more - they can bring their snacks they have brought from home - we cannot allow the athletes to wander off on their own to the local shops to buy additional food. (safety issue)


Please pack a book / or colouring in, or handheld game ( eg: magic cube / Rubik’s cube, sliding puzzle, sudoku, crossword, word finder - that type of distractor)


The noise at the pool is constant and loud - ear plugs or head phones can be a comfort for some that find noise a struggle and this can make young people grumpy and not enjoy the experience


We are wanting the athletes to watch and cheer for the other competitors as well as our own clubs competitors 


We ask parents to remind their athletes that we will be asking them to clean up the spectator areas after they have been there all day

When we go to and from the pool they will be wearing their club uniform

When we travel on the plane they will be wearing their club uniform

There is not a lot of opportunity to wear other clothing  - if in doubt don't bring it - it reduces the packing and opportunities to have items get lost.


What the club takes - is: 

The competition suits ( a reminder $50 per suit used, per person per competition)

Hair gel, and gelling equipment (crockpot, brushes, protective wraps / cloths)

Hair pins

Hair nets

Hair pieces that go with each suit

Make up


We anticipate that athletes will de-gel at the accommodation and not at the pool; per pool rules across the country


Contact and flight details

Are provided closer to each competition - we bulk book and fly together - unless prior discussions 

Team managers

Can be contacted via WhatsApp - Please direct all communications through the Team Manager




Artistic Swimming NZ  applies the judging ratio of one judge per six athletes; this has to be provided by each club - This number is rounded up. One technical controller (TC) is provided by each club in this quota.

Coaching and what the athletes will do in between  and prior to their competition events:


Our Lead Coach will create an away timetable that coordinates travel times and events and training schedules whilst away.  If you haven't traveled away to competition before - this is a standard practice amongst all synchro clubs.  

We have morning team meetings to layout the start of the day and prepare the athletes for the day.  

Getting used to the environment and the pool is a priority.  

When you receive the schedule, let your athlete read this, print off a copy and put it in a waterproof zip lock bag (ease of reading and easy access) and keep it in your swim bag.  


If you or your athlete is taking photos at the even and would like these published on our social media - please contact our committee as there may be restrictions about which family wants their childs photographs on social media. 

What else to take to competitions?

A smile, happiness, and a can do attitude